

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 
This article is about the swear word.
You may be looking for the phrase bantha poodoo.
"That's a load of poodoo, counselor!"
[putting her hands over Allana's ears] "Han!"
Han Solo to Lestra Oxic, which Princess Leia tries to keep her granddaughter Allana from hearing[1]

Poodoo (Huttese for "foodder")[2] was a swear word.[3] It could also be used as a term for nonsense,[1] or someone[4] or something that a person disliked.[5] The term "no poodoo" was used as an expression of surprise,[6] while "go to poodoo" meant to go awry.[7][8] "Cut the poodoo" was a term used to ask someone to get to the point.[9] "In the poodoo" was a term for being in a lot of trouble,[10] while "in humpty deep poodoo" was an Ugnaught term for the same thing.[11] "Full of poodoo" meant that a person was lying,[12] while "a load of poodoo" referred to something that was not true.[13] "Eat poodoo" was an expression of contempt toward another party,[14] while "drag someone's name into the poodoo pit" referred to damaging someone's reputation.[15]

Behind the scenes[]

"When they got me to say. "Poodoo," I burst out laughing. I said, "Poodoo? What does that mean?" and George said, "Well you can't say the real-world word." Which is a shame!"
Lewis MacLeod, the voice of Sebulba in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace[16]

A common misconception is that "poodoo" refers to feces,[17] even though the word is actually Huttese for "fodder."[2] Despite this, the use of the term is similar to the real-world impolite word "shit."


Non-canon appearances[]



Notes and references[]
