


Phase II ARC Trooper Armor was a type of ARC trooper armor that served as the successor of Phase I ARC Trooper Armor used by the Advanced Recon Commandos of the Galactic Republic. Phase I ARC trooper armor that was field tested became the basis for the standard Phase II clone trooper armor used by the regular clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. After tests were completed and the Republic Army upgraded to Phase II, ARC troopers received armor that was similar to the standard Phase II clone trooper armor but retained their accessories that included additional armor, pauldrons, kamas, survival packs, and more.[1]

The inherent modifications left the armor suit less capable of modifications but provided better overall protection. Phase II ARC trooper armor included an integrated comlink scrambler that was capable of using all standard Galactic Republic communications protocols. The survival pack contained emergency rations, a water filtration system, a microfiber line, and a distress beacon.[1]


The ARC trooper Fives utilized Phase II ARC trooper armor by the time of the Battle of Umbara,[2] while Clone Lieutenant[3] Jesse was equipped with it after becoming an ARC trooper by the Battle of Anaxes during the Clone Wars.[4]

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Jesse in his Phase II ARC Armor

Non-canon appearances[]


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