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«Pesfavri is the nearest Defense Fleet base. You know the coordinates?»
―Admiral Ar'alani and Syndic Mitth'ras'safis[3]

Pesfavri was an Unknown Regions planet located in Chiss Space. A colony of the Chiss species, it housed a base of the Defense Fleet of the Chiss Ascendancy. As Defense Fleet Admiral Ar'alani was escorting the detained Chiss Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo off the Galactic Republic exploration and colonization vessel Outbound Flight after it had been crippled by Mitth'raw'nuruodo's forces in 27 BBY, the trader Jorj Car'das and Syndic Mitth'ras'safis of the Chiss Eighth Ruling Family informed the admiral of their intent to remain aboard the ship.

Shortly before that, the group had formulated a plan to take the vessel to the Defense Fleet so as to deny the Fifth Ruling Family the possibility to acquire the ship and the technology aboard it. Ar'alani, believing that Mitth'ras'safis intended to go through with the plan, noted that the installation at Pesfavri was the closest to their location. In reality, however, the Syndic planned to scuttle the Outbound Flight in a nearby star, although the vessel was ultimately flown into the Redoubt star cluster instead.


«You really think we can get this thing all the way to a military base?»
―Jorj Car'das, to Syndic Mitth'ras'safis, on the Outbound Flight[3]

Pesfavri was a planet[4] located in the Pesfavri system, a part of the Unknown Regions'[1] Chiss Space.[2] Situated far from the core territory of the Chiss Ascendancy, it lay along the hyperlane known as the Way of Schesa, which linked it to that area's Schesa system as well as the even more remote star cluster known as the Redoubt.[1]


«We need to take Outbound Flight to a military base immediately and have it declared Defense Fleet property.»
―Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo[3]

One of the many worlds colonized by the Chiss species[4] of the Chiss Ascendancy, Pesfavri was the site of a Chiss Defense Fleet base.[3] In 27 BBY,[5] a force of warships led by Force Commander Mitth'raw'nuruodo—also known as Thrawn—of the Chiss Expansionary Fleet crippled the Galactic Republic exploration and colonization vessel Outbound Flight after he had come to view it as a future security threat to the Ascendancy and after negotiations with the ship's Jedi leader, Jorus C'baoth, had broken down. When Syndic Mitth'ras'safis—also known as Thrass—of the Chiss Eighth Ruling Family and the Human trader Jorj Car'das informed Thrawn that a fleet led by Aristocra Chaf'orm'bintrano of the Fifth Ruling Family was approaching the battle site, the commander became convinced that the Aristocra would attempt to claim possession of the damaged Outbound Flight for the Fifth Family.[3]


Admiral Ar'alani named Pesfavri as the location of the nearest Defense Fleet base to which the damaged starship Outbound Flight (pictured) could be taken in order to prevent it from falling into the possession of the Fifth Ruling Family.

Thrawn, Thrass, Car'das, and Admiral Ar'alani of the Chiss Defense Fleet, who were all aboard the vessel at the time, realized that the technology present aboard the ship, if it were to be acquired by any single Chiss Ruling Family, would lead to severe political instability in the region, agreeing that the best course of action would be to instead have the Outbound Flight be declared Defense Fleet property at one of its bases. At that moment, however, Chaf'orm'bintrano contacted Ar'alani and ordered her to detain Thrawn due to accusations of violating Chiss non-interventionist policies that had been levied against the commander.[3]

The admiral was forced to comply with the order and escort Thrawn and his soldiers to the Aristocra's ship; Car'das and Thrass, however, both declared to her their intention to stay aboard the Republic vessel. Before her departure, Ar'alani, who believed Thrass was planning to take the Outbound Flight to a Defense Fleet base, informed the Syndic that the installation at Pesfavri, the coordinates of which Thrass knew, was the nearest to their location.[3]

Thrass subsequently revealed to Car'das that his true intention, in order to prevent any of the Ruling Families from claiming possession of the Outbound Flight, was to instead scuttle the presumed-lifeless ship in the nearby star. The pair proceeded with the plan until they encountered Jedi Knight Lorana Jinzler, who, unbeknownst to Thrawn and his companions, was one among a small group of the Outbound Flight's crewmembers and passengers who had survived the Chiss attack on the ship. After realizing that evacuating the ship and destroying it before it was captured by the Fifth Family was not possible, Thrass suggested that they follow Thrawn's original plan of taking the vessel to a Defense Fleet base. However, Thrass, Jinzler, and Car'das soon realized that such a course of action would effectively render the survivors of the Outbound Flight captives of the Chiss, so Thrass and Jinzler ultimately flew the ship into[3] the Redoubt star cluster instead.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Pesfavri was first mentioned in the 2006 novel Outbound Flight by Timothy Zahn.[3] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed it in grid square G-8.[1] 2008's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia implies that the Outbound Flight did not reach Pesfavri due to the damage suffered by its drive systems,[4] while in actuality individuals present aboard the vessel twice dismissed the planet as a potential destination in favor of others before the ship had even begun its flight from the site it had been attacked at.[3]


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