


"In terms of sheer beauty, the Flandorian flower floats were a definite highlight, and the tamed herd of giant lumbering wombacks from Parada made a definite impression on the crowd."
―A news report by Coruscant Daily NewsFeed[2]

Parada was a Mid Rim agriworld located in the Hadar sector. It was home to the giant herbivorous herd creatures known as wombacks. Parada exported womback hides and meat, as well as a variety of grains, offworld, and it provided most of the food for the Ado sector planet Ord Gimmel.


Parada was an agriworld located in the Parada system of the Hadar sector, a part of the Western Reaches portion of the Mid Rim. The Senex Trace hyperlane linked it to the Rindao system as well as the Bortras system of the Outer Rim Territories'[1] Brema sector.[3] Parada was home to wombacks, a species of giant herbivorous herd creatures that could only be tamed if separated from their herds as newborns.[1]


In 1 ABY,[4] a herd of tamed wombacks from Parada was presented on Coruscant,[2] the capital planet of the Galactic Empire located in the Core Worlds,[1] as part of the Shaldania Parade, the opening ceremony of that year's New Year Fete Week. The womback herd from Parada was later mentioned in a Coruscant Daily NewsFeed report.[2]


Womback hides and meat were exported off Parada, as was a variety of grains,[1] with Parada and[5] the neighboring Senex sector's agriworld Fengrine providing most of the food for the Ado sector planet Ord Gimmel.[5] Senex sector nobles were interested in the potential use of wombacks for food and sport.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Parada was first mentioned in the "Galaxywide NewsNets" feature of the West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal 8, which was published in November 1995. The feature was authored by Paul Sudlow.[2] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas, authored by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, placed the world in grid square L-17.[1] The 2015 Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Roleplaying sourcebook Strongholds of Resistance mentioned a celestial body "Paranda,"[5] which Fry later confirmed as a misspelling of Parada's name.[6]



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