

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 
Agony of Tarkin performance

A performance of The Agony of Tarkin, a Coruscanti opera

"Yes, it's amazing how those performers can sing for five hours straight. They must train their voices for years before they can carry out such a feat of musical daring."
Wendell Wright-Sims, scrutinizing The Kallea Cycle[1]

An opera was a theatrical work set to music and made up of vocal pieces with orchestral accompaniment. It was a form of music popular amongst socialites and was considered mind-improving,[2] while commoners often found it annoying.[3] Casino owner Jacc Mandelbrot was known to enjoy singing long stretches of opera in a deep, booming voice,[4] and the Sith Lord and Galactic Emperor Palpatine himself was an opera lover.[5]

Famous operas included The Brief Reign of Future Wraiths[6] and The Agony of Tarkin.[7] Many cultures throughout the galaxy produced their own brand of opera, from the Corellian Humans[6] to the pig-like Gamorreans[3] and the amphibious Mon Calamari.[2]

The term was also used as a metonymy to designate houses in which such dramas were performed, such as the Coruscant Opera[6] or the Jediboh Opera.[8]


Notable opera enthusiasts[]


The Opera House on Coruscant


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

External links[]
