


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

Arryssslesh: «Doesn't the Republic want us for our—»
Burryaga Agaburry: «No.»
Bell Zettifar: "Maybe it's true the Republic wants your mushrooms, but not me and Burryaga. We want to keep you safe."
―Arryssslesh, Burryaga Agaburry, and Bell Zettifar on Oanne[1]

A mushroom was native to the planet Oanne, growing on the roots of the world's nativity trees. The Galactic Republic entered a trade deal with Oanne's native Elia-An for the mushrooms a few generations before 228 BBY, wanting to use the fungus as an untraceable electroconductor. In 228 BBY, Jedi Knights Burryaga Agaburry and Bell Zettifar were sent to Oanne to convince the Elia-An to evacuate before the planet fell within the Nihil marauders' Occlusion Zone, reassuring the medicine artist Arryssslesh that they cared about the Elia-An's well-being and not only their mushrooms.


A mushroom was native to the planet Oanne and grew on the roots of ancient nativity trees. The fungus had a name in the An-An language that did not easily translate to Galactic Basic.[1]



On Oanne, Bell Zettifar and Burryaga Agaburry (pictured) spoke to Arryssslesh about the mushrooms.

A few generations before[1] 228 BBY,[2] the Galactic Republic and Oanne's natives—the Elia-An species—entered a trade deal to supply the former with the fungus. In exchange for the mushrooms—which could be used as efficient, untraceable electroconductors—Elia-An's colonies were welcomed to the Republic, provided with access to scientists to research their species' unique reproductive process further, and assured they could explore options for future off-world travel.[1]

In 228 BBY,[2] the Nihil marauders' haphazard incremental expansions of the Stormwall hyperspace barrier threatened to trap Oanne within the Occlusion Zone. Jedi Knights Burryaga Agaburry and Bell Zettifar were sent to the world with a Republic Defense Coalition evacuation team to convince the Elia-An to evacuate and avoid the Nihil's often brutal invasions of locations within its territory. The Elia-An medicine artist Arryssslesh was skeptical of their intentions, assuming the Republic only cared about her species because they could produce mushrooms for them. However, when Agaburry heard the medicine artist's reply through a translator droid, both Jedi sharply denied the assumption, insisting that while the Republic may have different motives, they only wanted to keep Oanne's residents safe.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The mushroom was mentioned in the 2024 novel Temptation of the Force, written by Tessa Gratton and published as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[3]


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