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Museum of Barleth

The Museum of Bar'leth

"Maybe we could go to the museum first thing in the morning. But in the afternoon, I'd rather do something less—cerebral."
―Kendy Idele[1]

A museum was a place for collecting and displaying objects of permanent value. The dense city that sprawled the surface of Coruscant had many museums,[2] including the Museum of Multispecies Sciences.[1] The smuggler Hedge Mitchels once found a crystal artifact, which he planned on donating to a museum.[3] Jude Edivon, an academically skilled cadet at the Royal Imperial Academy on Coruscant, enjoyed visiting museums, while her roommate Kendy Idele found that activity tedious.[1] The crown of Alderaan was usually kept in a museum except for occasions such as the heir's Day of Demand.[4]

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