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The Mos Espa Grand Arena, also known as the Mos Espa Arena, was the location of the annual Boonta Eve Classic Podrace. It was situated at the junction of Xelric Draw and the Northern Dune Sea,[1] and could hold more than 100,000 spectators. The two-headed Troig Fodesinbeed Annodue was one of the best known commentators at the arena, with one head speaking Galactic Basic Standard and the other Huttese.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

According to Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, the Grand Arena was located on the edge of the Western Dune Sea.[2] However, Ultimate Star Wars clearly indicates that Mos Espa and its outskirts were located at the junction of Xelric Draw and the Northern Dune Sea.[1]


Non-canon appearances[]


Non-canon sources[]

Notes and references[]

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