

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"Ah… eels. Very dangerous."
Jedi Master Kit Fisto[2]

The Mon Calamari eel,[4] also known as the Mon Cala eel[1] or the electric eel, was a species of predatory eel found in the oceans of Mon Cala.[2] They were reputed for being slippery.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

The Mon Calamari Eel first appeared in "Prisoners," the third episode of the fourth season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars televion series,[2] which was released on September 23, 2011.[5] They were first identified as Mon Cala eel and electric eel by that episode's guide on StarWars.com.[6] They were first identified as Mon Calamari eel by the 2015 book Dark Disciple.[4]

George Lucas requested the concept of the eels being used as a cage to show a different way that Jedi could be restrained. Before the episode "Prisoners", The Clone Wars had only shown them held back by an energy field.[3] The eels were designed by artist Carlos Sanchez.[7]



Notes and references[]

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