


"All ships, prepare for arrival in Midgor."
―Wyl Lark, to his starfighter wing[1]

Midgor was a star system located in the Croynar sector that had a pale-green sun. In 5 ABY, the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing attacked a convoy affiliated with the Imperial breakaway faction Yomo Council, impairing the freighter Diamond Tor and dismantling its escorts. A New Republic starfighter wing later found the aftermath of the battle and assisted the convoy when its leader, Captain Oultovar Misk, surrendered and called for assistance.


Midgor was a star system located in the Croynar sector. The system had a pale-green sun which made it give off a jade light in the darkness of space.[1]


"We were in a battle. TIE fighters attacked us. Dismantled our escorts in minutes, then moved on."
―Oultovar Misk recounts the 204th's attack on his convoy[1]

Wyl Lark led New Republic forces into Midgor.

During the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic, Midgor was one of three systems in the Croynar sector that was considered to have possible strategic value, with an old electromagnetic siphon being located there.[1] In 5 ABY,[2] a convoy led by Captain Oultovar Misk as part of the Yomo Council—an Imperial faction that had split off from the forces still loyal to the Empire—was attacked by the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, an Imperial loyalist unit. Within minutes, the fighter wing heavily damaged Misk's freighter, the Diamond Tor, and dismantled its escorts before moving on.[1]

Sometime after, a New Republic starfighter wing led by Starfighter Commander Wyl Lark arrived in Midgor in search of the 204th, having received intelligence that the fighter wing was in the Croynar sector and predicted its presence in the system given Midgor's strategic value. Lark's fighters quickly detected Misk's crippled convoy and approached it, with Misk declaring his surrender to them and asking for assistance over comm. After giving the all-clear for the New Republic refitted Star Destroyer Deliverance to move to the system, Lark had the squadrons of his wing assist what was left of the convoy.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Midgor appeared in the 2021 novel Victory's Price, the final volume of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy written by Alexander Freed.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Victory's Price
  2. The events of Victory's Price begin after the Cerberon system campaign, and the novel also features the Battle of Jakku at the end of its three main sections. Since Star Wars: Timelines dates both of those conflicts to 5 ABY, the main events of Victory's Price must therefore be set in that year. Furthermore, since the appearance of Midgor in Victory's Price occurs prior to the Battle of Jakku, it must also have taken place that year.