

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

Maridun was a planet located in the Rolion sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was a temperate and verdant world, with a comfortable climate despite its challenging ecosystem and dangerous predators. Covered in grassy plains where large seed pods grew, it was the homeworld of the Amanin and was inhabited by mastiff phalones.


In its eponymous star system in the Rolion sector of the Outer Rim Territories,[1] at grid Q-6 on the Standard Galactic Grid,[3] the planet Maridun was the very definition of unassuming. A world of gently undulating terrain covered in rolling grasslands, Maridun survived largely unscathed throughout galactic history due to what little it had to provide offworld industry. In contrast to other planets like Lothal, Maridun had no resources worth mining from the surface, and instead, had seemingly endless quantities of grass.[10]

Maridun maintained a breathable atmosphere[4] as well as a temperate climate, despite its challenging ecosystem and dangerous predators.[5] On the surface, the grasses of Maridun grew high, to the point where they could tower over two meters tall. The planet's grasslands were interspersed with enormous trees, in areas where water reserves were closest to the surface. Thick and deep-rooted, each tree was up of others that grew close by and merged with the main tree over time.[10] The Amani lived on the world and hunted the Charnoqs.[8] Dangerous mastiff phalones lived in the fields.[2]


Lurmen refugees who sought to escape the Clone Wars settled on the planet,[2] seeking to make peaceful new lives away from watchful eyes.[5] During the war, Republic survivors of the Battle of Quell crash-landed there and discovered the Lurmen village.[2] Soon, Separatist General Lok Durd arrived and sought an alliance with the Lurmen, while plotting to test a new weapon known as the Defoliator on them. The Jedi present discovered this and defended the Lurmen village when Durd betrayed them. They rallied the villagers, disabled the Defoliator and captured Durd before three Star Destroyers arrived to retrieve them.[4]

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