


"Lesle Andreya was trained by some of the best espionage experts then serving the Rebellion. She knows all the "by the book" tricks, so those hunting her will be forced to improvise. Although she is not violent by nature, there is no telling how she will react if backed into a corner."
―General Airen Cracken, Wanted by Cracken[1]

Lesle Andreya was a female Human from the planet Neree. One of the Rebellion's top agents, she prevented several Imperial ambushes on her fellow Rebels. She continued to serve under General Airen Cracken's leadership when the Rebellion matured into the New Republic in 4 ABY before eventually turning traitor in 7 ABY.

At that time, she stole computer files and fled to the planet Nal Hutta. The New Republic believed she then traveled to a sector under Imperial control intending to sell the plans to the highest bidder. Cracken wrote about Andreya in his dossier, Wanted by Cracken, noting her great skill and cautioning agents to be careful and potentially start their search in the planet Tatooine's city of Mos Eisley.


"Andreya made off with a number of sensitive computer files containing vital defense plans and vanished in the vicinity of Nal Hutta. It is believed she may have obtained transport from there to a sector that remains in Imperial control."
―General Airen Cracken, Wanted by Cracken[1]

Lesle Andreya, who hailed from the planet Neree, was a Human woman born[1] in 21 BBY.[2] She would serve the Alliance to Restore the Republic as an agent for Alliance Intelligence under the leadership of General Airen Cracken during the Galactic Civil War between the Alliance and the regime of the Galactic Empire. The Rebellion's best espionage experts trained her, and she knew all the "by the book" tricks. During her work with the Alliance, she provided information that allowed Alliance forces to avoid Imperial ambushes.[1] When the Alliance reorganized into the New Republic in 4 ABY,[4] Andreya continued to work for the fledgling government.[3]

Around 7 ABY,[3] Andreya's loyalties shifted, and she began actively working against the Alliance's successor state; Andreya stole sensitive computer files containing defense plans and disappeared in the region surrounding Nal Hutta,[1] the homeworld of the Hutt species.[5] The New Republic Intelligence Service believed that she obtained transport from there to an Imperial-controlled sector, where they believed she was planning to sell the information for as many credits as possible. As such, she was wanted by the New Republic for the charges of bribery, espionage, extortion, sabotage, theft, and treason, prompting the government to post a reward of fifteen thousand credits for her capture.[1]

Mos Eisley

Mos Eisley, where it was believed Andreya's family resided.

General Cracken, as leader of the New Republic Intelligence Service, included her in his dossier of persons of interest, Wanted by Cracken, in a chapter dedicated to spies and informants. The dossier included information on her background and noted that the New Republic was very interested in her motivations for stealing the data as well as recovering the data itself. Cracken also left an additional note on the file, cautioning New Republic agents to be careful of her due to her great skill and training, even if she was trapped. He also recommended that agents start in the city of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine due to the Intelligence Service's belief that she had family located there.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"Not even her former employers in the Rebellion know what Andreya truly looks like. She speaks with a trace of a Neree accent."
―General Airen Cracken, Wanted by Cracken[1]

Andreya was a light-skinned woman who stood 1.6 meters tall and spent enough time on Neree that she spoke with a trace of a Neree accent. The agent was not known to use methods of violence—she instead preferred to rely on her persuasion skills. Although she had been a skilled agent for the Rebellion and prevented Alliance losses from planned Imperial ambushes, she defected for reasons unknown to the New Republic, bringing her loyalty and motivations into question.[1]

Skills and abilities[]

"Lesle Andreya was, at one time, one of the top intelligence agents in the employ of the Rebellion."
―General Airen Cracken, Wanted by Cracken[1]

As an extremely talented spy, Andreya was talented in many skills needed for espionage, such as pick-pocketing, forgery, demolitions, and stealth, to the extent that her former employers did not know her true appearance. She was also quite knowledgeable about the star system of the planet Tatooine.[1]


"She is believed to be armed, but is not known for violence, preferring to use her powers of persuasion to achieve her ends."
―General Airen Cracken, Wanted by Cracken[1]

To conceal her identity, even from her former Rebellion handlers, Andreya dressed in full-body robes that revealed only her eyes. Shin-length footwear protected her feet while she was armed with a hold-out blaster, knife, and several fragmentation grenades.[1]

Behind the scenes[]


The original concept art

Lesle Andreya was featured with her own entry in Wanted by Cracken, a 1993 sourcebook written by Louis J. Prosperi for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The image used to depict Andreya[1] was initially a concept illustration for Princess Leia Organa for a deleted desert scene in the 1983 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The artwork was made by Nilo Rodis-Jamero around 1981 and was colored with blue eyes and a brown cloak.[6] In contrast, the Wanted by Cracken image was in black and white and attributed to the Lucasfilm Archives.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 Wanted by Cracken
  2. 2.0 2.1 Wanted by Cracken is set three years after the Battle of Endor, which the The New Essential Chronology dates to 4 ABY, meaning Wanted by Cracken is set in 7 ABY. Since Lesle Andreya is stated to be twenty-eight years old in her entry, she was born in 21 BBY.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 The New Essential Chronology dates the formation of the New Republic to 4 ABY, and Wanted by Cracken is set three years later, placing it in 7 ABY. In Wanted by Cracken, Lesle Andreya has shifted allegiance to the Galactic Empire "in the past few months." As the Rebellion had reformed into the New Republic by this time, she must have continued to serve under the new government's Intelligence office.
  4. The New Essential Chronology
  5. The Essential Reader's Companion
  6. Star Wars Costumes: The Original Trilogy
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