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"The Republic sent Leric and a team out to catalog planets about three hundred years ago. The goal was to find places that would be good for colonies and had no one occupying them. Colonization, you know, is pretty awful when someone is already happily living there. Leric never returned to Coruscant, but every now and again one of his messenger droids will appear at the university to deliver another report."
―Avon Starros[1]

Leric Schmireland was a male explorer affiliated with the University of Coruscant.[1] Around 532 BBY,[2] Schmireland was commissioned by the Galactic Republic to catalogue planets, departing Coruscant with a team. He never returned to Coruscant, but his messenger droids continued to appear at the university to deliver reports into the High Republic Era. Avon Starros considered the Schmireland almanac to be mostly useless as it contained facts about worlds no one had any reason to visit, but it was used by her droid J-6 to identify the jungle moon she and several others had become stranded on as Wevo.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The High Republic: A Test of Courage
  2. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of The High Republic: A Test of Courage to 232 BBY. In A Test of Courage, it is stated that Leric Schmireland's mission occurred around three hundred years prior, which corresponds to around 532 BBY.
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