


"Ya know, my piloting hasn't been this good since I graduated first in my class at the Lateron Space Academy."
"I wasn't aware Lateron had an academy."
"Yeah it was new... back in the day. You probably don't get around that area much."
"So what did you train on?"
"Name it. Fighters, freighters, short range, long range, whatever. I flew circles around everybody."
"You flew freighters in circles?"
"Yeah... it's all they really allowed me to do. I was so good though. You shoulda seen me."
―Greez Dritus and Cere Junda[2]

The Lateron Space Academy was a piloting academy located on the planet Lateron. The Latero Greez Dritus attended the academy, and claimed to Cere Junda that he graduated first in his class. At the time he was a student there, the Academy was new. According to Dritus, they trained on a variety of ships there, including starfighters and freighters.[2]

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Behind the scenes[]

The Lateron Space Academy was first mentioned in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.[2]


Notes and references[]

  1. The events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order takes place in 14 BBY per Star Wars: Timelines. As the Lateron Space Academy is stated to have built by the events of Jedi Fallen Order, it must have been built by that year.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
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