

For other uses, see Lang (disambiguation).

"You and I, we're a lot alike. Willing to lay our lives down for the right cause. Which this is not."
―Lang, to Din Djarin[3]

Lang was a human male mercenary who worked for Morgan Elsbeth, serving as the Magistrate's Captain of the Guard[4] on the planet of Corvus[3] in 9 ABY.[2] The Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin speculated Lang had previously been part of a military faction. Lang and Elsbeth had been in conflict with former Jedi Ahsoka Tano, with Elsbeth hiring Djarin to kill Tano. However, Djarin and Tano banded together to thwart them, with Djarin gunning down Lang after a short standoff as his new ally dueled and soon defeated Elsbeth.[3]

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Lang wore a mismatched armor and a burgundy kama. He owned a blaster pistol and a BARM-ST12 scattergun.[5]

Behind the scenes[]

"That moment came when I penned this script and created an experienced gunslinger to go up against Mando. Michael's experience and understanding of the language of Westerns were really valuable on set. He had a whole philosophy about how his gunslinger would attempt to go up against someone like Mando, which we wove into his scenes. He thinks of every detail, even the number of times he would fire his weapon."
―Dave Filoni, discussing the casting of Michael Biehn[6]

Lang made his first appearance in "Chapter 13: The Jedi," the season two episode of the television series The Mandalorian, written and directed by Dave Filoni and released on Disney+[3] on November 27, 2020. He was portrayed by Michael Biehn, with Mickey Giacomazzi serving as a stunt double.[3] When Filoni penned the episode's script, he created Lang as an experienced gunslinger to go up against the Mandalorian. Biehn brought his experience and understanding of Westerns on set, which proved to be very valuable. The actor had a philosophy about how Lang would oppose Djarin, which was woven into scenes. Biehn would think of every detail about Lang, including how many times he would fire his blaster. Filoni felt that the episode had a good match-up of Tano and the Mandalorian against the Magistrate and her gunslinger.[6]


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Notes and references[]
