

For other uses, see Durron.

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.


There are two conflicting sources for this article: Jedi Search and Dark Apprentice.

Lucasfilm has not established a cohesive timeline regarding this subject. Editor discretion is advised.

"My father couldn't even close his eyes. Tears ran down his cheek, but his arms and his legs kept jittering. He couldn't get up. The stormtroopers dragged him and my mother out."
―Kyp Durron, describing how his parents were arrested[3]

The mother of Kyp Durron was a female politician who lived on the colony world of Deyer in the Anoat system during the age of the Galactic Empire and was the mother of two sons, Kyp and Zeth Durron. She and their father were political dissidents who spoke out against the Empire's atrocities at Ghorman and Alderaan and were sentenced to hard labor and imprisoned in the Spice Mines of Kessel in 1 ABY. A year later, she and Kyp's father were caught up in a prison result and executed by Moruth Doole's smugglers who overtook the mines. The loss of his mother caused Kyp Durron great pain and contributed to his hatred of the Empire and smugglers.


Parent and political prisoner[]


Deyer, where she raised her family and served as politician

Living on the colony planet of Deyer in the Anoat system, this woman was the mother of two sons. The elder son, Zeth Durron, was born[2] in 13 BBY[4] and her younger son Kyp was born six years later[2] in 7 BBY.[4] Along with their father, the family lived in a peaceful raft settlement on Deyer surrounded by terraformed lakes,[3] where both parents served as outspoken local politicians.[2] Although ultimately accepting of the Empire,[5] hearing of the atrocities committed by Emperor Palpatine's forces and the growing rebellion against them drove her and Kyp's father to become political dissidents. They marked the anniversary of the Ghorman Massacre[3] and loudly protested the destruction of Alderaan, believing that by speaking out they could moderate the Emperor's more extreme policies from within.[2] They were among the colonists who unanimously voted to condemn the planet's destruction and request that Palpatine rescind his New Order and thought their votes could influence their Emperor's decisions.[3]

She underestimated the deadly reality of the Empire[5] and in 1 ABY[6] stormtroopers came to their home on Deyer and seized the family. In the altercation, the stormtroopers melted down unlocked the door of their family dwelling and laid waste to the home, knocking over the fiber-grown furniture and stunning both parents. The stormtrooper captain read their arrest order, which accused them of treason and restrained the parents and their son Zeth with stun-cuffs. Zeth was brought to the Imperial Military training center on Carida and his mother, father and brother were brought to the Correctional Facility on Kessel[2] and sentenced to hard labor in the Spice Mines of Kessel.[5]

Around 2 ABY,[1] about a year into her sentence at the Spice Mines of Kessel, the Imperial powers there underwent an unpheaval. The prison was embroiled in revolts by the prisoners and at the same time Moruth Doole's smuggler slave lords came in and took control. In the midst of the commotion, both Kyp's mother and father were executed for being on the wrong side at the wrong moment, and their young son managed to survive by hiding and laying low until he was rescued by Han Solo years later.[2]


"The Empire ruined my life and destroyed my family—I wouldn't mind getting a chance to strike back."
―Kyp Durron[3]

The loss of his parents and the suffering he and his family endured on Kessel fueled a deep sense of rage and pain in Kyp Durron, against both the Empire that originally imprisoned them and the smugglers who perpetuated their suffering and executed his mother and father.[7] He felt the Empire ruined his life when they punished his parents and him for their political resistance. Durron's rage over his past was exploited by the Sith Lord Exar Kun, who used it to draw him over to the dark side.[3] This reached a boiling point when, overcome by the dark side, he used the Sun Crusher to destroy the Carida system and the Academy of Carida in an act of revenge against the Empire.[8]

Sun Crusher EGF

Kyp Durron destroyed the Carida system using the Sun Crusher in part due to his mother's death.

Though repentant for his genocide of the Caridan solar system, Kyp Durron never forgot the execution of his mother and father at the hands of the smugglers who overthrew Imperial rule on Kessel. Partly due to the memories of their deaths, he formed the starfighter squadron "Dozen-and-Two-Avengers" with his Jedi apprentice Miko Reglia[7] and dedicated himself to ridding the Outer Rim Territories of smugglers and pirates.[9] When Han Solo first heard of the Dozen-and-Two's exploits, his knowledge of his old friend's parents' deaths due to smugglers immediately led Solo to worry about Durron's activities.[10]

Personality and traits[]

Although she was loyal to the Empire[5] and believed its worst offenses could be fixed from within, Kyp Durron's mother was an outspoken individual. Unlike her younger son, she did not possess any special affinity with the Force.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Kyp Durron's mother was first mentioned, albeit indirectly, in the 1994 novel Jedi Search by Kevin J. Anderson, where she was mentioned as one of his two parents.[2] She was later identified as mother to Durron in the 1994 novel Dark Apprentice by Anderson, the second volume in Star Wars: The Jedi Academy Trilogy and the sequel to Jedi Search.[3]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 According to The Jedi Academy Sourcebook, Kyp Durron's Parents died one year after they were imprisoned on Kessel. Jedi Search states that Durron was eight when the family was first sent to Kessel. Since he is eighteen in Dark Apprentice, which is set in 11 BBY according to The Essential Reader's Companion, the year of Kyp's mother's death can be calculated as 2 ABY.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Jedi Search
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Dark Apprentice
  4. 4.0 4.1 In Dark Apprentice, Kyp Durron is eighteen years old. Since The Essential Reader's Companion dates the book to 11 ABY, he was born in 7 BBY. Jedi Search establishes that Zeth Durron was fourteen when Kyp was eight. Since he is six years older than his brother, who was born in 7 BBY, Zeth was born in 13 BBY.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 The Jedi Academy Sourcebook
  6. According to Jedi Search Kyp Durron was eight when he and his parents were arrested by the Empire. Since he is eighteen in Dark Apprentice, which was set in 11 ABY according to The Essential Reader's Companion, the family must have been arrested in 1 ABY.
  7. 7.0 7.1 The New Essential Guide to Characters
  8. Champions of the Force
  9. Databank title Durron, Kyp in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
  10. The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime