


"The factories of Kuat have been bombed into submission, and the shipyards of Xa Fel, Anadeen, and Turco Prime are all either contested or already lost. But the Outer Rim will be our savior—and it will be the strangling cord we tie around the neck of the New Republic. We already have three worlds under our sway there: Zhadalene, Korrus, and Belladoon."
―Gallius Rax, to the Shadow Council[1]

Korrus was a world located in the Outer Rim Territories[1] and the New Territories.[2] Situated within grid square K-4 of the Standard Galactic Grid, it was connected by a hyperspace route to the astronomical objects Muunilinst and Ord Trasi.[3] By 5 ABY,[4] during the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic, Korrus contributed to the Imperial Military. It was one of three Outer Rim worlds, alongside Belladoon and Zhadalene, that were noted to be under Imperial sway by Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax when he spoke about the Imperial holdings in the region being the Empire's next advantage in the war to his new Imperial Shadow Council[1] that year.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

Korrus was first mentioned in the 2016 novel Aftermath: Life Debt, the second installment of Chuck Wendig's Star Wars: The Aftermath Trilogy.[1]


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