


"Karpette, front and center!"
―Captain Atar[1]

Karpette was a female Rodian member of Galactic Alliance Security, in which she served under the command of Captain Atar. In 43.5 ABY, she was part of the Security force sent to apprehend the afflicted Jedi Knights Yaqeel Saav'etu and Bazel Warv. A warrant for the arrest of the two Jedi was drawn up, and Karpette held it for Atar. However, due to the intervention of Han Solo, Leia Solo, their daughter, Jaina Solo, and Imperial Head of State Jagged Fel, Karpette and the rest of the troopers were unsuccessful in capturing the Jedi.


"I don't see anyone in imminent danger, and that means you would need a warrant to arrest them. We're not going anywhere unless I see one."
―Leia Organa Solo, on Yaqeel Saav'etu and Bazel Warv[1]

Karpette was a female Rodian and a member of Galactic Alliance Security[1] in 43.5 ABY.[2] She served in a security squad under the command of Captain Atar. Around this time, several Jedi Knights were stricken with a mysterious psychosis that caused them to believe that everyone they knew had been replaced by impostors.[1] The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances decided to deal with the matter by encasing the affected Jedi in carbonite.[3]

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Jedi Leia Organa Solo (pictured) attempted to stop Captain Atar and Karpette from arresting Jedi Knights Saav'etu and Warv.

That year,[2] Jedi Knights Bazel Warv and Yaqeel Saav'etu developed this psychosis but were quickly incapacitated by Imperial Remnant Head of State Jagged Fel, Jedi Knight Jaina Solo, and Solo's parents, Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo, outside of the speeder entrance of the New Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant. Karpette and the rest of Atar's forces were nearby, and a warrant was quickly made out for the arrest of Warv and Saav'etu, Karpette printing a small version using a miniature printer.[1]

With Karpette in possession of the warrant, the Security force confronted Fel and the Solos outside the Temple, and Atar requested that the Jedi hand Warv and Saav'etu over. Leia refused, demanding to see a warrant, and Atar ordered Karpette to step forward and hand him the warrant. Faced with no other option, Han and Leia then stalled for time by reentering the Jedi Temple and closing the gate behind them as Fel and Jaina left the scene in Fel's limousine, using Fel's diplomatic immunity to prevent the Security forces from blocking their exit and leaving Karpette and the rest of Atar's force empty-handed.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"Yes, Captain?"
"The warrant."
―Karpette and Atar[1]

Karpette took joy in her duties, and she was exceptionally delighted when Atar called her forward to present the warrant.[1]


While persuing Jedi Saav'etu and Warv, Karpette wore an utility belt that had a miniature printer on it, using the device to print a warrant for the Jedi.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Karpette appeared in Troy Denning's 2009 novel Fate of the Jedi: Abyss, the third installment in the Fate of the Jedi series.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 Fate of the Jedi: Abyss
  2. 2.0 2.1 StarWars Books, Comics, & Television VIPs on StarWars.com Message Boards. Posted by Sue Rostoni on October 2, 2008 at 10:48 AM. (content now obsolete; backup link) dates the beginning of the Fate of the Jedi series to 43.5 ABY. As Fate of the Jedi: Abyss, the third instalment of the series, is dated to 43 ABY by The Essential Reader's Companion, its events must take place in 43.5 ABY.
  3. Fate of the Jedi: Outcast
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