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During the High Republic Era, Jedi High Council member Rana Kant utilized a green-bladed lightsaber until her death after the Dedication of the Starlight Beacon.[3]


Rana Kant's lightsaber was a single-bladed lightsaber with a green-blade. The hilt was silver and was wrapped with leather which gave the hilt grooves to make the lightsaber easier to grip.[1]


Kant's lightsaber was used during her life as a Jedi, using it to help train her Padawan learner, Stellan Gios. After her death, Kant's lightsaber was given to her former Padawan by the Jedi High Council and he kept it with him tucked under his Jedi robes.[1] During the Nihil attack on the Valo Republic Fair around 231 BBY,[4] Gios used his master's lightsaber to kill a Trandoshan Nihil after Gio's personal lightsaber was knocked from his hands. Later during the attack on the Republic Fair, Gios used Kant's lightsaber in conjunction with his personal lightsaber to defend Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh and Togruta Queen Elarec Yovet, among others, from a frontal assault from the Nihil, led by Tempest Runner Lourna Dee. After the battle at the Republic Fair, Stellan Gios let Padawan Bell Zettifar borrow Kant's lightsaber to replace his own which had been lost during the attack on Valo to be used during a strike on the Nihil's base of operations.[1]

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 The High Republic: The Rising Storm
  2. StarWars-DatabankII Kyber Crystal (Lightsaber Crystal) in the Databank (backup link) — The kyber crystal Databank entry states that there is a kyber crystal "at the heart of every Jedi lightsaber."
  3. The High Republic: Light of the Jedi depicts the dedication and features Rana Kant alive and Kant is dead by the events of The High Republic: The Rising Storm, which is set nearly a year later, so she must have died sometime after the Dedication of the Starlight Beacon.
  4. The Star Wars Book dates the launch of the Starlight Beacon to 232 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which corresponds to 232 BBY in the dating system used by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. As The High Republic: The Rising Storm takes place nearly a year after The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, which depicts the launch, its events, including the Valo Fair, must occur around 231 BBY.