


The title of this article is a nickname, call sign, or alias.

This article is about a subject that has not been identified with an official name and is known only by a nickname, call sign, or alias.

"Hey, partner. I'm back. I think we're running up against this local bogeyman called the Jundland General He runs out of a village in the Jundland Wastes and... Wait... do you hear that? Why is it so quit all of a sudden..."
―Saponza, before suffering an attack from the Jundland General[1]

"Jundland General" also known as "Tusken Chieftain" was a male Tusken Raider that lived on Tatooine. He built strategic bases for his Tusken brethren, and led various strategic attacks on settlements throughout his home planet. Eventually, he was brought down by the gang led by Saponza and his partner.[1] He wielded a modified slugthrower cycler rifle that could pierce through the armor of military turrets.

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