

For other uses, see Jedi Temple (disambiguation).

"I've heard the temple outpost is only defended by a single Jedi, and she's some old lady, so..."
―Krix Kamerat[2]

The Jedi Temple,[2] also known as the Takodana Outpost Temple,[3] the Takodana Jedi Temple,[4] or the Takodana Temple, was a Jedi temple[5] and outpost of the Jedi Order on Takodana in the Mid Rim during the High Republic Era. The temple was built on Nymeve Lake,[2] and was headed by Jedi Master Kaktorf until he decided to take a temporary leave of absence from the role[5] in 382 BBY.[6]

By 231 BBY,[1] the Kyuzo Jedi Master Sav Malagán,[2] who had previously been Kaktorf's Padawan,[5] came to oversee the temple. The Padawans of the Star Hopper visited the temple and it was the site of a skirmish with the Nihil in the time following the Republic Fair on Valo, resulting in the destruction of the temple.[7][8]

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