


This article is non-canon.

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«Keep down noise. Invisigonk is hiding from work and responsibility.»
―Invisigonk to an agent of Gonkatine[1]

Invisigonk was a pink power droid. Originally located on Canto Bight, a city on Cantonica, this Gonk Droid aggravated its[1] owner, constantly running away and hiding when it was required to do tasks. After being tasked with powering the owner's pancake oven, the Gonk once again ran away, only to be found by an agent of the Gonkatine, hoping to recruit Invisigonk into the Knights of Gonk. Looking for an excuse to get away from its owner, Invisigonk accepted, later joining Gonkatine, Mad Dog Gonkdo and Gigagonk on Exegol, calling the first meeting of the Knights of Gonk.[1]

Personality and traits[]

A power droid with Pink plating and a black sensor, Invisigonk should an extreme aversion to any kind of work or responsibility, usually resorting to running away and hiding as a result. This was something that annoyed its human owner but made it a perfect candidate for the Knights of Gonk.[1]

Finding its original owner on Canto Bight annoying, Invisigonk found Exegol much more suited to its needs, with the only thing it couldn't hide from being itself and Mad Dog Gonkdo.[1]

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Notes and references[]
