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Indeera Stokes was a female Tholothian Jedi Knight during the High Republic Era. She was one of four Jedi stationed at the Elphrona Jedi outpost in 232 BBY, along with Jedi Masters Loden Greatstorm and Porter Engle, and Greatstorm's Padawan Bell Zettifar. After Greatstorm was presumed dead during a Nihil raid, Stokes took on Zettifar as her apprentice, although Zettifar believed that his master was still alive.


Indeera Stokes was a Force-sensitive female Tholothian who lived during the High Republic Era. She was recruited into the Jedi Order,[1] where she eventually gained the rank of Jedi Knight.[4] By 232 BBY,[5] she was stationed at the Jedi outpost on Elphrona in the Outer Rim Territories, alongside Jedi Masters Porter Engle and Loden Greatstorm, and Greatstorm's Padawan Bell Zettifar.[1]

In that year,[5] the Starlight Beacon space station was preparing to open. Greatstorm and Zettifar travelled to a conclave on the station, with the intent that they would return to Coruscant afterwards. However, the occurrence of the Great Hyperspace Disaster, which disrupted hyperspace travel across the galaxy, changed those plans, and the two returned to Elphrona. Finishing breakfast one morning, Nine-Egg Stew cooked by Engle, Stokes talked with Greatstorm about his plans to clear out a chromant nest. With Greatstorm's apparent demise during the Nihil raid on Elphrona, Stokes took over training Zettifar.[1]

Personality and traits[]


Stokes piloting a vector

Indeera Stokes was a female Tholothian with pale blue head-tendrils sprouting from her scaled cranium, as well as dark skin and bright blue eyes. She was a compassionate Jedi, and frequently assisted Greatstorm with the training exercises he put Zettifar through.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

Indeera Stokes was skilled with the Force in both lightsaber combat and telekinesis. She was mechanically adept and a skilled pilot, combining these abilities to expertly fly both her own Jedi Vector and Greatstorm's Nova simultaneously.[1]


Stokes wore dark Jedi leathers, and wielded a yellow-bladed lightsaber in combat. She also flew her own Jedi Vector.[1]



Notes and references[]
