


An eccentric Jedi alive nineteen millennia before the Galactic Civil War, Humat maintained a collection of unusual, mostly sinister artifacts, including the talisman known as the soul stealer. Humat stored his collection in the booby-trapped catacomb known as the Cell of Imu, which was situated on the planet Coruscant, under the skyscrapers of the Petrax Quarter.


Coruscant view EII 2

Humat's collection of artifacts came to rest under the skyscrapers of Coruscant.

Humat was an eccentric member of the Jedi Order who lived more than nineteen thousand years before the Galactic Civil War,[1] during the period of time known as the Great Manifest Period.[2] Humat was known for collecting unusual arcane artifacts, of which many were meant for evil applications. The centerpiece of the Jedi's collection was the soul stealer, a milky-white talisman that attempted to possess any nearby individuals and compel them to try to kill anyone they saw.[1]

Humat stored his collection on the planet Coruscant in the catacomb known as the Cell of Imu. To protect his artifacts from thieves, Humat installed dozens of deadly traps in the chamber, such as trapdoors, tripwires, and ceiling spikes, as well as dried corpses of animals that were animated through dark side magic and made to attack any intruders. Over the subsequent millennia, the Cell of Imu became buried under the rising skyscrapers of the Petrax Quarter. At some point, however, Humat's legendary chamber was uncovered when a construction droid razed one of the tall buildings, allowing archaeologists to access the Cell of Imu and the artifacts contained within.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Humat was mentioned in the 2003 sourcebook Coruscant and the Core Worlds, which was published by Wizards of the Coast for use with the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Coruscant and the Core Worlds
  2. The Essential Atlas places the beginning and end of the Great Manifest Period in 20,000 BBY and 17,000 BBY, respectively.
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