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"The happabores don't eat flesh. Or metal. Just stay away from their mouths. And feet."
―Sarco Plank to Luke Skywalker and his droids[4]

Happabores were a species of massive, gray omnivorous[2] mammal.[1]

Biology and appearance[]

"It's like sticking your head in a happabore's mouth."
―Wedge Antilles, on the climate of Akiva[7]

A Happabore and its pup

Happabores possessed broad flat noses and four gray eyes, which were almost hidden by the wrinkles of their faces, as well as thick skin that was very resilient to heat.[8] Their hides were well-armored on their dorsal side for protection against the sun and predators.[9] Their large snouts aided them in finding and digging up tubers.[1] They had broad mouths with flat, yellow teeth inside which they would use to bite if provoked.[10] Otherwise, happabores were largely docile, being known as patient, obedient creatures that could take a lot of abuse.[10] Their forelimbs were short and stubby with broad feet, while their hind limbs were longer and more powerful-looking, capable of covering several kilometers at a time.[10] Young of the species were known as pups.[11]

When on dry planets, happabores would use their long tongues to sop up large quantities of water, emptying whole reservoirs in a sitting[8] and storing much of it in their bloodstreams.[9]

Happabores succumbed to a variety of parasites, and certain companies offered products to help rid them of these parasites. One such product was Happy-Bore Medicated Dewormer, distributed by Galacti-Stok.[10]

Happabores in the galaxy[]

Happabores were found on several worlds,[12] including the planets Jakku[5] and Devaron,[4] perhaps as a result of some forgotten colonial effort.[12] A happabore handler once told Rey that there were happabores on many planets in the Western Reaches, doing everything from pulling plows and ice sledges to carrying around princes and princesses. Rey imagined that life would be much better than those of happabores on Jakku.[10]

On Jakku, happabores notoriously[13] were used to help junkers haul their finds.[1]

The scavenger Sarco Plank owned a pair of happabores while he lived on Devaron and used them as mounts, strapping howdahs to their backs to sit on. He controlled the beasts by prodding them with a stick that caused them pain.[4]

The exclamation "holy happabore" was used to express surprise.[14] The idiom "as clueless as a happabore on spice" meant to have no clue,[15] while "as happy as a happabore" meant very happy.[16]

Behind the scenes[]

The happabore was one of the first designs made for The Force Awakens, intended by Neal Scanlan and crew as a proof-of-concept for the film's use of practical effects.[17]


Happabore Prince Survival

A happabore imagined to be transporting royalty.

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Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

External links[]
