


Hakin was a Human native of the planet Alderaan during the Galactic Civil War. A skiff racer, Hakin had learned to bargain on the black market and later joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic—which valued his black market bargaining skill—shortly before the Battle of Yavin in the year 0 BBY. That year, Hakin, who had by then become a corporal, was stationed aboard the Rebel CR90 corvette Tantive IV during its attack by the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Devastator.


Hakin, a Human,[2] was a native of the planet Alderaan and a skiff racer who lived during the Galactic Civil War.[1] He[2] joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic shortly before the Battle of Yavin[1] in the year 0 BBY,[3] eventually becoming a corporal.[2] That year,[3] Hakin was among the Rebel troopers stationed aboard[1] the Alderaanian Senator Leia Organa's[4] CR90 corvette, the Tantive IV.[1] Rebel spies transmitted the stolen plans of the Galactic Empire's DS-1 Orbital Battle Station superweapon to the vessel, leading to its pursuit and overtaking by the Dark Lord Darth Vader's personal flagship, the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Devastator. The Rebel troopers unsuccessfully attempted to defend the ship from the invading stormtroopers.[4]

Personality and traits[]

Hakin had light skin, brown hair, and blue eyes. He sported a thin mustache.[2]

Skills and abilities[]

Due to his skiff-racing experience, Hakin knew how to bargain on the black market, a skill valued by the Rebel Alliance.[2]


Hakin wore the standard uniform for Alliance Fleet troopers and was armed with a DH-17 blaster pistol.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Hakin was created by Decipher's 2001 Premiere set of the Jedi Knights Trading Card Game.[2]


Notes and references[]
