


This article is non-canon.

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"The odds are stacked against us. The Empire has everything. A Death Star, highly trained troops, Darth Vader. And we're just a ragtag bunch of undertrained, good-intentioned Rebels."
―Gretchen, on the odds of winning the war — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

Gretchen was a human female pilot who acquainted fellow pilot Isabella and led the Rebellion starfighter squadron Firestar Girls during the Galactic Civil War. Gretchen participated in the Battle of Yavin and saved innocent lives aboard the Death Star before the battle station exploded.


"Worst rallying speech ever!"
"Shut up, Porkins!"
―Jek Tono Porkins and Gretchen, on the latter's rally speech — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]
Firestar Girls PnF SW

Gretchen and the Firestar Girls

In 0 BBY,[2] Gretchen was a member of the Rebellion starfighter squadron primarily consisted of children, the Firestar Girls, which was stationed on[1] the moon[3] Yavin 4. While in preparation for an upcoming battle, Gretchen stumbled upon fellow young pilot Isabella, who she knew of prior. Due to their unlikely odds of winning, Gretchen invited Isabella to join the Rebellion with a rallying speech, though she denied the invitation and left. The rebel pilot Jek Tono Porkins promptly shouted how terrible the speech was and Gretchen quickly told him to shut up in annoyance.[1]

Shortly before the destruction of the Galactic Empire's Death Star battle station during the Battle of Yavin, Gretchen, along with the rest of the Firestar Girls, evacuated all of the innocent workers serving the Empire out of the doomed space station, leaving just in time aboard a GR-75 medium transport. Saved from potential death, the rescued personnel shouted that they were okay.[1]

After the battle concluded, Gretchen headed back to Yavin 4 and participated in the Royal Award Ceremony and an afterparty to celebrate their victory with the rest of the Rebellion. At one point during the celebration, Gretchen and the other Firestar Girls climbed on the Wookiee[1] smuggler[3] Chewbacca while he spun rapidly in joy and excitement. However, the party was cut short when Porkins glided and crashed into the gathering with a parachute, Gretchen taking the opportunity to insult the crashed pilot by ironically praising him.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"And to be perfectly honest, Isabella, we're kids. We are actual children, and they're letting us fly fighters. That's how hopeless this situation actually is."
―Gretchen — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

Gretchen was a human female with long brown hair styled in a braid, dark blue eyes, and light skin. Gretchen was a brave pilot who joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic to fight the tyrannical[1] Galactic Empire, though the young pilot also offered a pessimistic yet realistic perspective of the war with how low the odds and likeliness were for the Rebellion to win. During their time in the Rebellion, Gretchen led the Firestar Girls.[1]

Skills and abilities[]

"Oh, but what about those innocent baristas and bank tellers and bowling alley attendants?"
"They're fine. The Firestar Girls got them out earlier."
―Former Imperial stormtrooper Baljeet and Isabella — (audio) Listen (file info)[1]

Gretchen saves innocent workers.

Despite being a child, Gretchen was capable of piloting a variety of starships, including a GR-75 medium transport which the young pilot utilized while rescuing innocent workers from the Death Star. Being a part of the Firestar Girls, she was also able to pilot starfighters.[1]


Gretchen wore a brown headband, a strap of yellow cloth with a small star design, and a pair of glasses. The young pilot also wore a sleeveless orange tunic uniform, similar to other members of the Firestar Girls.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Gretchen appeared in Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars, a non-canon crossover special[1] which premiered on July 26, 2014.[4] They were originally a recurring side character in Disney Channel's animated series of which the crossover was a special, Phineas and Ferb.[5] As in the main series,[6] Gretchen was voiced by Ariel Winter.[1]


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