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Z-95 Headhunter

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The Great Sith Wars Bas-Relief[2] depicting a struggle between Jedi and Sith minions on an ancient battlefield[1] was created around 4,000 BBY.[2] Its detailed carvings included not only warriors engaged in a deadly conflict, but also terrifying war beasts.[7]

At some point, the frieze had adorned the chambers of a Sith Emperor.[3] The frieze was later excavated in one of the enormous stone temples built by the Massassi on Yavin 4 some five thousands years before the rise of the Galactic Empire.[5]

The frieze, which was extremely valuable,[7] ended up in the possession of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, better known under his public persona of Sheev Palpatine, Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. The Chancellor put[1] the 4,000-year-old[3] frieze on display in his office complex, on a wall of the anteroom to his most private sanctum.[1] The Jedi guests thought it was an illustration of an ancient Jedi victory, but it was actually a tribute to the power of the Sith.[3]

By 14 BBY, the frieze had been moved to Palpatine's, now Galactic Emperor, personal quarters in the Pinnacle Room of the Imperial Palace's primary spire.[6]

At the time of the Cold War, the frieze was in the possession of the Ithorian collector Dok-Ondar, who placed it in his antiques shop in Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu.[4]



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