


"They trapped the firsst of us within their totems, forcing her to sleep… And while the Great Progenitor slept, we slept also beneath the ground. Until travelers stumbled upon the Progenitor…waking her from her ssslumber…waking usss all."
―The Drengir explain their history through the Jedi Master Sskeer[1]

The Great Progenitor was the first of the Drengir, a species of sentient carnivorous plants.[1] Around 2500 BBY, the Drengir formed an alliance with the Sith,[3] and for a time they worked alongside each other,[1] until around the same year when the Sith trapped the Great Progenitor aboard the abandoned Amaxine Space Station[3] where she was forced to sleep.[1] After a group of Jedi and travelers stumbled upon the Drengir on the space station,[4] the Great Progenitor was awoken, leading a number of other Drengir to similarly wake up.[1] She was later defeated by a group of Jedi led by Avar Kriss, in conjunction with the Hutt Cartel. After her defeat, Myarga Anjiliac Atirue wanted to kill her, but the Jedi imprisoned her in the Bogan Vault aboard the space station Starlight Beacon[5] temporarily until she was to be transferred to a secure facility.[6] Nib Assek mistakenly believed the Great Progenitor had died.[7]

The station was destroyed in 230 BBY by the Nihil pirates[8] and sent crashing into the ocean of the planet Eiram. In the aftermath, Republic Defense Coalition forces and eventually Jedi were dispatched to search Eiram's oceans for the Progenitor amid Starlight's ruins. When informed of the Drengir's return, Kriss mentally noted that she had lost track of the Great Progenitor and had assumed that[6] Jedi Master Estala Maru, who oversaw Jedi operations on Starlight,[8] had overseen her transfer to another facility. Although she knew Maru always did his job, Kriss noted she had neglected to check that the transfer had actually taken place, and there had always been delays, especially within the station's final weeks when it was moved to assist in various emergencies.[6] The battle on Mulita against the Great Progenitor was later mentioned botanical guide "The One With the Green Thumb."[9]

Sarlacc culture also recognized a great progenitor, although it was unknown whether this was the same being.[10]

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Behind the scenes[]

The Great Progenitor first appeared, albeit unnamed, in the 2021 young-adult novel The High Republic: Into the Dark, which was written by Claudia Gray.[4] She was later identified and first pictured in a flashback sequence in the fourth issue of the comic series Star Wars: The High Republic, written by Cavan Scott, illustrated by Ario Anindito, and published by Marvel Comics[1] on April 7, 2021.[11]


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