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Master Qui-Gon, more to say, have you?

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"...have they?"

God was a deity recognized by some Humans that was omniscient and possibly omnipotent.

"God" was also a generalized term for any sort of deity. When C-3PO was captured by Ewoks along with Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker and R2-D2, he expressed that they considered him to be "some sort of god."[1]

Examples of deities included the Yuuzhan Vong gods[2] and the Keshiri gods, called the Skyborn.[3]

Darth Andeddu was also referred to as the "Immortal God-King of Prakith".[4]

Notable gods[]

The Maker for droids was a god or deity that they believed created intelligent creations out of simple machines or was the first droid.[5]

On Naboo statues of a Goddess of Safety could be found in Theed.[6]

The Zakuul natives worshiped a pantheon of gods known as the Six Gods.[7] The so-called Old Ways were generally discarded after the rise of the Eternal Empire.[8]

The Kissai worshipped the god Typhojem, known as the Left-Handed God.[9]

The Gods of Age were a group of seventeen deities that were worshipped by the Fia, a sentient species native to the planet Galantos.[10]

The Sith, including Darth Vader, worshipped a pantheon of immortal gods. Another pantheon of space-gods[11] was worshipped by the Sacred Way.[12]

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