

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
"Sir, this place is dangerous. Look, those geysers are spitting out acid."
―A clone trooper to Jar Jar Binks[1]

Skalders running from a geyser explosion

Geysers were a natural phenomenon in which liquid from beneath the surface spouted high above the ground. Geysers could be found on Florrum, where they would spout corrosive acid. The native skalders were instinctively attuned to them and their movements coincided with the geyser explosions. When hiding in a geyser crevice, Jar Jar Binks and several clone troopers used this to their advantage to predict the geyser explosions by observing the skalders.[1]

The Wellspring of Life contained luminescent geysers that released beams of energy from below the surface into the depths of space. That energy was said by legend to be a source of life, as well as the origin-point of the Midi-chlorians.[2] Geysers could also be found on the Outer Rim planet of Sakreen[3] as well as beneath the surface of Unox[4] and Ilum.[5]

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