

For other uses, see Gareth and Agamar (disambiguation).

Gareth Agamar was a male TIE pilot in service to the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Agamar was born on the planet Coruscant into a family with a long history of military service. Agamar's parents had both served as officers in the Galactic Republic Navy during the Clone Wars and his siblings all served in the Imperial Military.[1]

Agamar himself was drawn to spaceflight at a young age and joined the Imperial Naval Academy to pursue a career as a starfighter pilot. He graduated top of his class and went on to achieve the rank of lieutenant commander, serving in several positions in the Imperial Navy, including a lengthy assignment as commander of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer Mercurial's starfighter contingent, before being given command of the 481st Experimental Starfighter Testing Squadron. Under his command, the 481st was tasked with testing the TIE/ph phantom, a new starfighter fitted with an experimental cloaking device.[1]


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