


The capitalization in this article's title is conjectural.

Although this article's title is canonical, its actual capitalization is pure conjecture.

A Garbage Shoot could be found on along the edge of the Death Star Crossfire battlefield of the Grand Arena, utilized by the Hunters of the Outer Rim on the planet Vespaara. Created as an imitation of the garbage compactors found on the Death Stars, the shoot was covered by protective grating. Periodically, a Dianoga would peek up and out at the battle arena from within the shoot, blinking a few times and glancing around with it's single eye before disappearing back down into the dark below.[1]

This shoot could be identified by the signage posted above it. This vertically rectangular warning poster was red, gray, and tan in coloration, and features the text "Attention" in bold Aurebesh on top, with an illustration of a Dianoga at the center, and the words "Garbage Shoot Dump Before Hyperspace" at the bottom, also in Aurebesh.[1]

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Behind the scenes

The Vespaara Starport was first mentioned in the competitive video game Star Wars: Hunters.[1]


Notes and references
