


"Gar, you're a marvel."
―Jocasta Nu to Gar as the latter brings tea[3]

Gar was a human male who, after Order 66 and the following Great Jedi Purge, aided Chief Librarian Jedi Jocasta Nu in her efforts to preserve what was left of the Jedi Order and was based in Nu's new school.[3] After the death of Nu on Coruscant following a mission there, Gar faithfully guarded the cave for many years until, too old to do that, activated an explosive, killing himself and sealing the vault. Years later, Luke Skywalker discovered Nu's sanctuary, which contained archives and holocrons.[1]

Gar had a beard and also sported a pair of glasses.[3]

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Behind the scenes[]

Gar first appeared in the 2017 canon comic, Darth Vader (2017) 7, which was written by Charles Soule and pencilled by Giuseppe Camuncoli.[3]


Notes and references[]

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