


The Foregone Catastrophe was a starship owned by General Abediah Viess, Minister of Protection in the Nihil marauder organization. Viess arrived in the vessel after Jedi Masters Avar Kriss and Porter Engle boarded the Cacophony, the starship of Melis Shryke, in order to prevent the Jedi from using Shryke's ship to escape the Occlusion Zone. Engle, however, used a drill ship to tear through the Foregone Catastrophe. As the ship fell apart, Viess fought Engle and left him for dead. By the time that more Nihil arrived to search the wreckage of the Foregone Catastrophe, both Viess and Engle had disappeared.[1]

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness
  2. Star Wars: Timelines dates Starlight Beacon's destruction to 230 BBY. The implementation of the Guardian Protocols, which Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia places in 229 BBY, took place one week after Starlight Beacon's fall according to The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight 1. As The High Republic Adventures (2023) 4 takes place one year and two weeks after the destruction of Starlight Beacon, its events must be set in 228 BBY. Since the events of The High Republic Adventures (2023) 6 are set immediately following the fourth issue and depict the expansion of the Stormwall, the events in The High Republic: The Eye of Darkness following the expansion, including the destruction of the Foregone Catastrophe in the Seswenna sector, must take place in the same year.