


Feyra Akaris was the mother of Iskat Akaris.[4] Once a Jedi Padawan, Feyra left the Jedi Order after failing her Jedi Trials, specifically her Trial of the Spirit, and returned to her homeworld of Pkori. After giving birth to a daughter, she gave up her child to Jedi Master Sember Vey. The Jedi Master promised Akaris to protect her daughter, and maintained possession of her lightsaber in secret. The elder Akaris became depressed shortly thereafter and committed suicide out in the deserts of Pkori. Her death was felt in the Force by Vey and Jedi Master Klefan Opus.[1]

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade
  2. According to Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade, Feyra was sixteen years old when she left the Jedi Order and moved back to Pkori. As the novel also establishes that she died two years later (which can be dated to around 38 BBY), the year of her birth must have been around 56 BBY.
  3. According to Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade, Iskat Akaris was eighteen years old at the time of the First Battle of Geonosis, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 22 BBY. Therefore, Akaris was born around 40 BBY. As the novel also establishes that Feyra Akaris died two years after Iskat's birth, she must have passed away around 38 BBY.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 SWInsider "Launchpad" — Star Wars Insider 219