


"Please, walk with me to our offices. I won't take up more than a moment of your time."
―Arkhee to a group of agents[1]

Esm Arkhee was a male Twi'lek who worked for the Force adept Pal-Nada at some point during galactic history.


Esm Arkhee was a weak-minded Twi'lek, which allowed the Cerean Force adept Pal-Nada to use the Force to control the Twi'lek. The Cerean used Arkhee to assist him in a starship theft operation and on one occasion, while under his master's control, Arkhee approached a group of agents and by representing himself as a member of the front organization Interplanetary Acquisitions, he lured the agents into accompanying him to a hangar while the Quarren thief Shurgg attempted to steal the agents' ship.[1]

Arkhee later became a resident of the Blinders district of the city Sahl-Evin on the planet Jenenma, a region of the city that was controlled by Pal-Nada. The agents later tracked Pal-Nada to Jenenma and Arkhee was present in the cantina The Hutt's Last Laugh during a confrontation between the agents and the Gamorrean pit-fighter Tarkil Hroka. The Twi'lek sat on a bench and watched the fight expectantly.[2]

Personality and traits[]

Arkhee was cowardly and weak-willed allowing Pal-Nada control of Arkhee.[1]


When meeting a group of agents, Arkhee was dressed in expensive robes.[1]


Notes and references[]

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