

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"We cannot allow the Chancellor to move this Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill forward."
"We're all in agreement, then."
―Senators Bail Organa and Philo[1]

The Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill was an infamous law[2] due to be debated by the Galactic Senate during the Clone Wars when the Senate hostage crisis took place. A group of senators including Bail Organa and Padmé Amidala agreed to oppose the bill when Cad Bane's gang of bounty hunters took control of the Senate Office Building, demanding Ziro the Hutt's release from prison.[1]

The bill would allow the Supreme Chancellor the unprecedented ability[3] and broad powers[2] to spy on Republic citizens who were suspected as being Separatists.[3] However, the bill's defeat was ultimately spearheaded by the political resistance group it galvanized. Still, the process had revealed the Galactic Republic's contradictory hopes: a want for both peace and military victories.[2]

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