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"Thousands of layers of buildings and skyscrapers cover the entire planetary surface of Coruscant. Because of this, Coruscant is one of only a handful of city-planets, known as an 'ecumenopolis.'"
―Recording for Coruscant newcomers[1]

As the hub of galactic activity, Coruscant was a well-known ecumenopolis.

An ecumenopolis was a planet[1] or moon[2] entirely encompassed by a single city.[1] Due to their lack of exploitable ground, such world-spanning cities were dependent on imports for food and raw materials.[3]

There were only a handful of ecumenopolis in the galaxy.[1] Many of them, such as the galactic capitals of Coruscant[3] and Hosnian Prime,[4] as well as Denon[5] and Eufornis Major,[6] were situated in the Core Worlds; others were in the Deep Core, such as Troithe,[7] and Empress Teta.[8] City-worlds in the Outer Rim Territories included Botajef,[9] Nar Shaddaa,[2] Taris,[10] Uchinao,[11] and Wind.[12]

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Behind the scenes[]

The first ecumenopolis seen on-screen within Star Wars was Coruscant in The Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition, released in 1997.[13] The term made its first Star Wars appearance in the Legends novel Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight, in 2008.[14] In Star Wars canon, the term was first used in the 2015 novel Heir to the Jedi, written by Kevin Hearne.[5]


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Notes and references[]

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