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The E-22 reciprocating double-barreled blaster rifle, also known as the E-22 blaster rifle, was a reciprocating, double-barreled blaster that was bigger and more powerful than the standard E-11 medium blaster rifle used by the Galactic Empire's stormtroopers. The E-22 saw use during the Age of the Empire. It was commonly used by coastal defender stormtroopers stationed at the top secret Imperial security complex on the tropical planet Scarif[2] and mudtroopers stationed on the planet Mimban.



A swamp trooper with an E-22 acts as the vanguard for an Imperial force.

The E-22 saw use by Imperial swamp troopers, including many of the swamp troopers stationed on the planet Mimban with the 224th Imperial Armored Division[7] in 10 BBY[8] as part of the Mimban Campaign. Among those who used the rifle was Corporal Wesger Odry.[7] Swamp troopers learned to keep the blaster's recoil sleeve free of mud due to the possibility of the mud causing a weapon malfunction.[9] On one occasion, a swamp trooper armed with an E-22 was involved in a battle in a forested location. Deployed alongside at least two other swamp troopers, the E-22 wielding trooper acted as part of the vanguard of Imperial forces and fired their blaster in combat.[10]

During the Battle of Scarif, the E-22 saw use against Alliance to Restore the Republic forces in the hands of a number of shoretroopers. Ultimately, however, the Galactic Empire's efforts proved ineffective in stopping the Rebel squad "Rogue One" from stealing the Death Star plans from the Scarif vault, and the facility, along with any shoretroopers on the surface, was destroyed by a single reactor blast from the Death Star ordered by Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin in an unsuccessful attempt at stopping the plans from being transmitted to Princess Leia Organa aboard the Tantive IV, which proceeded to flee the battle by jumping to hyperspace.[11]

E-22 Fathead

Coastal defender Stormtroopers used the E-22 blaster rifle during and after the reign of the Empire.

Years after the fall of the Empire, the E-22 was used by Imperial remnant forces. Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin encountered a stormtrooper, armed with an E-22, whilst retrieving Grogu from an Imperial compound.[12] Later, Djarin and his allies were trapped in the cantina on Nevarro by a force of stormtroopers, some of which were carrying E-22 blaster rifles.[5] E-22 rifles were further used by the coastal defender stormtroopers in the Morak Imperial remnants around 9 ABY.[13]

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