

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"Nobody should be proud of war, Corporal. Nobody. This isn't a thing we do because we like winning. Because of what glory it is to subjate anybody. We do it because we want to be on the right side of things."
Olia Choko, to Corporal Camerand Argell[4]

Corporal was a military rank in army units.


Corporal was a crewmember rank[9] in the Republic Defense Coalition of the Galactic Republic during the High Republic Era.[6] Serving as a crewmember and scientific officer,[9] Elping Tsoo, an ecologist by trade who joined the RDC with hopes of helping the galaxy[6] after the destruction of Starlight Beacon,[9] secured the rank of corporal and served under the strict Lieutenant Visma Tarko. As he became involved in the Nihil conflict, Tsoo became disturbed by the realities of conflict and believed it was not what he had signed up for.[6] With both he and Tarko trapped behind within Nihil territory, Tsoo suspected that Tarko would have regarded him as someone in the way had he not been a corporal.[9] One OOM-series security droid destroyed by Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi held the rank of corporal within the Trade Federation Droid Army.[2]

Comet[10] and Echo were both clone corporals of the Republic Military.[1] Though Meebur Gascon's rank in the Grand Army of the Republic was colonel, WAC-47 repeatedly referred to him as "corporal." Later, however, as the two came to respect each other, Gascon gave WAC-47 a promotion to the rank of corporal.[7] During his time as an infantryman, Han Solo served as a corporal in the 224th Imperial Armored Division.[8]

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