


"And here's a transmission from Dinwa Prime. Terrible atrocities have been committed in the name of the Emperor."
―An insurgent transmission[4]

Dinwa Prime was a planet in the Inner Rim Territories under the Galactic Empire's rule. In 6 BBY, the planetary governor was killed by a rebel that the Empire claimed was locally sponsored. As a result, Dinwa Prime was made a firing range for the Imperial Navy starships passing along the nearby Hydian Way. During the Galactic Civil War, the light freighter Mighty Oak Apocalypse did a relief supply run to the world.


"Dinwa Prime lay within reach of the Hydian Way hyperspace route through the Inner Rim territories. Imperial naval ships that passed along the route would often stop at the planet to test and synchronize their weapons from orbit or allow TIE pilots to practice bombing runs."
―Beaumont Kin, The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire[3]

Dinwa Prime was a planet located within an intersecting portion of the Inner Rim Territories[3] and the Interior.[2] It was situated at the coordinates L-8 on the Standard Galactic Grid,[1] being within reach of the Hydian Way hyperspace route.[3]


"What other runs have you been on?"
"Zeitooine. And Dinwa Prime, and Arieli. More recently Ivera X."
―Wedge Antilles and Thane Kyrell[5]

During the reign of the Galactic Empire, Dinwa Prime fell under Imperial rule, with its own planetary governor. The governor was then killed by a rebel in 6 BBY. Without much evidence, the Empire blamed the local community for sponsoring the rebel, and a collective ongoing punishment was decided on[3] in the name of Emperor Palpatine,[4] a directive that made Dinwa Prime a firing-range for the Empire. Thereafter, Imperial Navy starships passing along the Hydian Way stopped at Dinwa Prime to use as target practice, either to synchronize weapons and make orbital bombardments or to allow bombing run practice for TIE pilots. The world was resultantly reduced to ruins over time.[3]

The atrocities at Dinwa Prime prompted a female insurgent to transmit rebellious propaganda from Lothal.[4] In 3 BBY,[6] Senator Bail Organa listed Dinwa Prime as a potential candidate for a humanitarian mission for his daughter Leia Organa. Organa, however, crossed Dinwa Prime off the list.[7]

During the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance, the light freighter Mighty Oak Apocalypse did a supply run to Dinwa Prime to deliver aid. The Moa's copilot and navigator, the former TIE fighter pilot Thane Kyrell, was part of the delivery. The Moa later did a delivery of medical supplies to the planet Oulanne, where Kyrell spoke with the Alliance pilot Wedge Antilles. When asked where else he had done relief runs by Antilles, Kyrell recalled the runs to Dinwa Prime and a few other worlds where the Empire had committed war crimes like Arieli, Ivera X, and Zeitooine. Antilles, having visited some of those locations himself, went on to recruit Kyrell into the Alliance.[5]

A file on the "Dinwa Prime Firing-Range Directive" was kept in the "Reprisal Activities" section of the Imperial Archives. Reading the file, the historian Beaumont Kin recalled the Empire's atrocities at Dinwa Prime in his[3] 35 ABY[8] book The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire. In the book he commented that when an enemy eluded them, the Empire would mercilessly attack ones that they could reach instead. He added later in the book that thanks to the effectiveness of orbital bombardments the people on Dinwa Prime were just as dead as the people of Alderaan would inevitably be when the Empire destroyed their planet in one single blast for the Death Star superweapon.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Dinwa Prime was first mentioned in the 2015 novel Lost Stars, written by Claudia Gray.[5]



Notes and references[]

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