


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"You must leave Mandalore and take your apprentice on his journeys, just as your teacher did for you."
―The Armorer to Din Djarin[1]

An individual was the teacher of Din Djarin when he was a foundling rescued by the Children of the Watch. After Djarin became a Mandalorian apprentice, his master took him on his journeys until he became a Mandalorian. After retaking Mandalore, Din announced that Grogu is now his apprentice, and asked to add him to the Song. The Armorer replied that he was too young to speak, so he was too young to take the Creed, and that he must remain a foundling. Djarin replied that if his parent gave permission, he could become an apprentice, to which the Armorer said that his parents are far from here, if they are even alive. Djarin then adopted Grogu as his son, giving permission to make him an apprentice, and the Armorer announced that from then on, Grogu became Din Grogu, Mandalorian apprentice. The tribe affirmed it by saying "This is the Way." The Armorer quested Din with leaving Mandalore and taking his apprentice on his journeys, just as his master did for him.[1]

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