


"The Zarracines refused to accommodate Coruscant's envoys and on the verge of capture the entire ruling council killed themselves to avoid conversion and spite their conquerors. In retaliation, Commodore Daymont "Veracity" Praji bombed Zarracina III into radioactive winter."
―Dr. Gabrel Treon, "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes"[1]

Daymont Praji, also known by the nickname "Veracity," was a member of House Praji and a commodore of the Galactic Republic's navy during the Pius Dea Era. In 11,660 BBY, when the Republic failed to capture the ruling council of the planet Zarracina III, Praji ordered that the planet be subjected to orbital bombardment in retaliation. The bombardment caused the near-extinction of the Zarracine species, members of which went on to nurture a millennia-long hatred for the Republic and House Praji.


"The Republic annexed the system and the few surviving Zarracines became a nomadic species. Harboring much hatred for the destroyers of their world, they kept to themselves, although many joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems and later Nolaa Tarkona's Diversity Alliance."
―Dr. Gabrel Treon, "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes"[1]

Daymont Praji, also known by the nickname "Veracity," was a member of the House Praji aristocratic family who lived during the Pius Dea Era,[1] a period of time between approximately 12,000 BBY and 11,000 BBY when the Humanocentric Pius Dea cult controlled the Galactic Republic.[2] Praji served in the Republic's naval forces and held the rank of commodore. In 11,660 BBY, after a strategically important stable hyperspace jump point was discovered in the Zarracina system, the Republic attempted to gain control over the planet Zarracina III, which was inhabited by the sentient Zarracine species. On the verge of capture by the Republic, the entire ruling council of the planet committed suicide in order to avoid conversion to the Pius Dea religion and to spite the would-be Republic conquerors.[1]

In response, Praji ordered Zarracina III to be bombarded from orbit, which sent the planet into a state of radioactive winter. The bombardment also caused the near-extinction of the Zarracines, with the few remaining aliens adopting a nomadic existence and nurturing hatred for the Republic and the Praji family that lasted for more than ten thousand years. In 104 ABY, Doctor Gabrel Treon mentioned Praji's role in the bombardment of Zarracina III in the article "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes," published in the Byblos Journal of Historical Science.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Daymont Praji was mentioned in "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji," an article authored by Nathan O'Keefe and published as part of the StarWars.com Hyperspace feature on February 5, 2009.[1]


Notes and references[]

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