

For other uses, see Dathomiri (disambiguation).
Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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The Dathomiri Shamanism was the religion practiced by the Nightbrothers and the Nightsisters of Dathomir. It was a ditheistic religion, whose gods were together known as the Twin Deities.

The Force[]

Mother Talzin completely rejected the idea of the Force; she instead referred to it as "supernatural powers."

The Prophets of the Dark Side were similar to the Sith. Their teachings derived from Darth Millennial, though they were not warriors. They claimed to possess powers of fortune-telling. Talzin doubted their faith and relation to the Spirits.

Groups who have claimed to adhere to traditions include:


It is permissible that Nightsisters receive credits for their services. According to their skills, they can choose one of two specializations: warrior or assassin.

The Nightsisters have to go through a harsh training program. If the individual wishes to serve a Sith Lord, their failure will result in death. Only the clan mothers may broker the services.

