

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 
For other uses, see Corva (disambiguation) and Yag.

"The Empire discontinued use of this droid model after one unit went crazy and clawed something like 300 colonists on Corva Yag (out near Minos Cluster, I think)."
―Drev, Cynabar's Droid Datalog[4]

Corva Yag was an Outer Rim Territories planet located in the Rseik sector. By 214 BBY, the Hajara gang of pirates established a presence on Corva Yag, raiding Kett Shipping convoys traveling across the Little Minos Run hyperlane.

Later, during the reign of the Galactic Empire, several hundred colonists on Corva Yag died. Their deaths were ostensibly caused by a malfunctioning 87-RM Scout Collector droid, although it was theorized by 0 ABY that the Empire had merely used the malfunctioning droid to cover up secret activities on the planet.


Corva Yag was a terrestrial planet[3] located in the Corva Yag system, a part of the Outer Rim Territories' Rseik sector.[1]


"For a couple of years Findal ran convoys across the Little Minos Run instead, but then the Hajara gang showed up on Corva Yag and started taking transports there."
―Memoirs of Firmus Kett[5]

At some point by 214 BBY, Kett Shipping began running ore and nova crystal convoys across the Little Minos Run hyperlane in order to avoid the pirate-plagued Sanrafsix Corridor route. A few years later, however, the Hajara gang of pirates established a presence on Corva Yag and began raiding the company's transports. Eventually, the Trade Defense Force of the Trade Federation dealt a blow to the Hajara gang, and Corva Yag was later mentioned in the memoirs of the Trade Defense Force captain Firmus Kett.[5]


It was rumored that a malfunctioning 87-RM Scout Collector droid caused the deaths of several hundred colonists on Corva Yag.

Rumors began circulating through the galaxy[3] by 0 ABY[6] that a malfunctioning 87-RM Scout Collector droid had caused the deaths of several hundred colonists on Corva Yag.[3] On the date 35:6:17, Drev claimed in an entry of Cynabar's Droid Datalog that the droid had clawed approximately 300 people and that the Galactic Empire had discontinued the use of the droid afterward. Thanik added on 35:8:1:04 that a public safety brief had been issued that named inserted counter-programming as the cause for the droid's malfunction.[4]

On 35:9:1:8,[4] the droid inventor and historian[7] Toria Tell further speculated in the datalog that the malfunction may have been caused by Imperial testing of new weapon or droid programming protocols, or that the colonists had discovered a secret installation on Corva Yag, such as a hidden base or staging area, and had been silenced for it.[4] Eventually, many came to believe that the Empire had made up the rumor about the malfunctioning 87-RM droid in order to hide its secret activities.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Corva Yag was first mentioned in the "Cynabar's Droid Datalog" feature of the thirteenth issue of West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal magazine, which was published in May 1997. The article was authored by Drew Campbell and Eric S. Trautmann.[4] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Corva Yag system, and therefore the planet itself, in grid square N-20.[2]


Notes and references[]

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