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The colo claw fish, also spelled colo clawfish, was a large and nightmarish creature found in the depths of Naboo's seas, as well as the Cordaxian Sea. The colo had a flat eel-like body, a bio-luminescent tail, a crocodile-like head, a row of sharp teeth, and a set of mandibles. They had a set of venomous fangs that they used to stun their prey. Their digestive system worked slowly, so they were at risk of being consumed from the inside out if they didn't kill their prey before eating it.[5] A pair of large claws were located just behind the fish's head and were used to force food into the creature's large mouth. The bioluminescent skin of the colo claw fish lured in prey.[2]

While trying to reach Theed during the Invasion of Naboo, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Jar Jar Binks were attacked by a colo fish. Before this colo could even touch the group's bongo, it was attacked and devoured by an even larger sando aqua monster.

Biology and appearance[]


An infant colo claw fish

The colo claw fish had a flat eel-like body,[5], bioluminescent skin,[2], a bioluminescent tail, a crocodile-like head, a row of sharp teeth, a set of mandibles, and a set of venomous fangs. They possessed a digestive system that worked slowly.[5] They had a serpentine and spine-studded body. They were able to emit a hydrosonic shriek that could disorient its prey.[6] They could swallow prey larger than its own head by unhinging its jaw, and it could expand its stomach.[7]

Colo claw fish were considered to taste good, and they were edible by Sullustans and humans.[8] Their eggs were also a delicacy enjoyed by wealthy individuals such as Dryden Vos.[9]



An adult colo claw fish

Colo claw fish hid in tunnels along Naboo's oceanic floor where they can lay still for hours waiting for prey,[6] such as young opee sea killers, scalefish, and large fish.[7] Before attacking, it disorients its prey with a hydrosonic shriek. The colo then stuns the prey with its venomous fangs and distends its jaw to swallow the victim. If the victim is not rendered unconscious prior to swallowing, it could attempt to chew its way out of the colo's stomach.[6] Colo claw fish were eaten by sando aqua monsters.[7]


Colo claw fish were native to the planets Naboo[3] and Odona.[4] In 32 BBY,[10] Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Jar Jar Binks used a Gungan bongo submarine to travel through Naboo's core to get to Theed. Their bongo was attacked by a colo claw fish, which was then attacked and devoured by a sando aqua monster.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Colo claw fish first appeared in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the first installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy.[3]

Early designs for the colo claw fish were based on an earwig. Features from a crocodile and a moray eel were later added to the design.[7]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]
