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Z-95 Headhunter

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"We have to be quiet because we are venturing into the deadly jungles of Cholganna to study a nexu in its natural habitat."

Cholganna was a dark, cool forest planet in the Outer Rim Territories that was the homeworld of the nexus, a species of predatory felines that spread off-world as a result of their value as attack beasts.


Cholganna was a dark, cool[6] planet with a mountainous terrain, jungles,[4] and forests[3] located in the Outer Rim Territories,[1] in grid square T-5 on the Standard Galactic Grid.[2]

Cholganna Nexu

A pack of wild nexu on Cholganna.

Cholganna was the homeworld of various creatures, including the nexus, a species of predatory felines[3] who lived in the northern hemisphere,[7] the bark rat, a rodent that was often prey for the nexu, and arboreal octopi.[5] Because of their incredibly aggressive and deadly nature, the nexu were often captured by poachers,[4] and spread off-world as attack beasts in gladiator matches.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Cholganna was first mentioned in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary, a Star Wars Legends reference book written by David West Reynolds[8] that was released on April 22, 2002.[9] It became canon when it was mentioned in Ultimate Factivity Collection: Star Wars, a young readers activity book written and edited by David Fentiman and Sadie Smith[6] that was released on June 16, 2014.[10]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

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