

Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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Bunker Krill was an underground bunker on Umbara. During the Battle of Umbara, it was attacked by Trandoshan Pirates including Krussk, Mrash, and Skrisst. It was further infiltrated by a Jedi Knight, who managed to defeat all Umbaran and Trandoshan forces. It was attacked by the Trandoshan Pirates because they wanted to use it as a base and to help order supplies for their mining operations on Umbara.


When a Jedi Knight was sent to check out Trandoshan Forces spotted on the planet, the Jedi encountered an Umbaran Bunker on his way. The Jedi entered the Bunker and discovered that Trandoshans had taken control of the base, seeing Trandoshan pirates spread out and fried B1 battle droids lying on the floor. The Jedi attacked the Trandoshans in front of them and killed them. The Jedi made their way through several tunnels, encountering several Trandoshan miners, medics, and riflers.

The Jedi discovered Trandoshans firing on B1 battle droids that were defending themselves, Trandoshans standing near a disabled Umbaran hover tank, and Trandoshans fighting off Umbaran and droid forces. Additionally, the Jedi discovered knocked-down shelves, racks, bunk beds, and storage canisters.

Eventually, the Jedi discovered that the bunker was still under siege, with a large portion of the bunker filled with Separatist forces. The Jedi fought through the remnants of these forces until they encountered a room filled with hiding Trandoshans. These Trandoshans — Krussk, the commander; Mrash, a gunner; and Skrisst, a medic — led the attack on the bunker. When the Jedi entered the room, a ray shield appeared behind them, preventing them from escaping. They soon engaged the three Trandoshans. After deflecting a prolonged barrage of blaster fire, the Jedi finally killed all three Trandoshans.

