

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
For other uses, see Bravo Squad.

"Well, bravo for Bravo Squad."
Droidbait on the selection of Bravo Squad[1]

Bravo Squad, also referred to as Bravo Unit, was a squad of clone cadets active early during the Clone Wars. They were distinct by the red on their armor, and trained on the planet Kamino to graduate to the Grand Army of the Republic. Bravo Squad was considered to be one of the better squads by Master Chief Bric and the ARC trooper Commander Colt, as they passed the practice examination in record time. Due to this, they were selected to be the first to undergo the final exam, the Citadel Challenge version THX variable 1138. Bravo Squad passed, and when exiting the arena, they mocked Domino Squad as the two squads passed. After Domino Squad's failure, Echo and Fives sought to transfer to Bravo Squad, although their request was denied by Jedi Master Shaak Ti. The next day, Domino Squad successfully passed their cadet training and becoming official clone troopers.[1]

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